Lake Charles Insurance Claims Lawyer

Lake Charles Insurance Claims Lawyer

Lake Charles Insurance Claims Attorney

Whether it’s because of a natural disaster affecting your home, the aftermath of a car accident, or damages to your business, insurance is meant to give you compensation so that you can move on to the recovery process. However, sometimes claims don’t go as planned. Insurance companies can try to downplay your issues or deny coverage entirely. If this happens, consider working with a Lake Charles insurance claims lawyer.

Lake Charles Insurance Claims Lawyer

Individual Insurance Claims

Many insurance claims are submitted by individuals after something like a car accident. In these scenarios, an individual is usually requesting compensation to cover things like medical expenses and repairing or replacing their vehicle.

Unfortunately, many insurance companies know that victims of car accidents and other forms of personal injuries are willing to settle for low amounts if their claim is resolved quickly. Working with an attorney can ensure that you understand how much your claim is worth. They can even negotiate with adjusters on your behalf to make sure your offer is taken seriously.

Insurance Claims From a Business

Businesses are also susceptible to property damage, but these claims and policies are often more complicated than ones related to individuals. This gives insurance companies more room to deny claims or offer lower settlement amounts by intentionally misinterpreting the language in an insurance policy. Many insurance claims filed on behalf of a business can benefit from an experienced attorney’s assistance.

Claims for Natural Disasters

Hurricanes are an unfortunate reality in Louisiana. While having a homeowner’s policy can help you feel more secure, in many cases, insurance policies will attempt to deny claims made by an insured homeowner. If you prepare for a natural disaster ahead of time and address concerns in advance, you might be able to prevent an insurance company from blaming you for the damage to get out of compensating you.

If property damage does occur due to a natural disaster, try to prevent further damage from occurring by covering damaged areas of the property. It is also helpful to take an ample number of photos and videos of the scene to have evidence for your claim and subsequent negotiations. While you take photos, create a written list of the property that is damaged. Once this evidence is gathered, file a claim as soon as possible to avoid running out of time for compensation.

Other natural disasters, such as hail and fires, can also result in insurance claims. While many insurance companies have professionals they work with to evaluate the damages, it is not a good idea to rely on them to fairly document evidence in the event that they understate the damages you experienced. Make sure to document evidence yourself as well to fight for your claim.

Most homeowner’s insurance policies include coverage for natural disasters, but many companies will try to claim that certain disasters are not covered within their policy. If an insurance company denies your natural disaster claim in Lake Charles, Louisiana, consider contacting an insurance attorney. They understand how insurance companies attempt to avoid payment and can address issues with claim denials and assist in efforts to appeal their decisions.

How to Address Claim Denials

An insurance company can deny your claim for a wide variety of reasons, but this does not mean you cannot receive compensation. In many cases, they simply need more evidence or documentation of your claims. Other denials can be appealed by going through the steps documented by the insurance company.

An attorney can review your denial letter and explain the reason they denied your claim, as well as develop a strategy to recover as much as possible for the damages you sustained. They can also help with appeals and direct negotiation with adjusters.


Q: What Do I Do if an Insurance Company Denies My Claim?

A: If an insurance company denies your claim, consider contacting an attorney who can review the denial and inform you of your options. Depending on the type of accident, sometimes you should file with another party’s insurance company. This is especially common in car accidents in which the other driver is at fault. Filing a claim with a third party is less likely to be approved, but this does not mean that you are permanently barred from coverage.

Q: What Are Bad-Faith Insurance Laws?

A: Bad-faith insurance laws allow the court to issue penalties if an insurance company does not act in good faith toward their clients. These laws target companies that delay or do not pay approved claims, lie about coverage or the period the individual is covered for, or attempt to deny a claim based on incorrect reasoning. If you are dealing with an insurance company that you believe is operating in bad faith, contact an insurance attorney.

Q: What Is a Satisfactory Proof of Loss?

A: A satisfactory proof of loss is required by an insured individual to make a valid claim to their insurance company. Technically, many types of evidence satisfy this requirement, but one of the most effective ways to fulfill this obligation is to fill out and sign an official document. For assistance with creating and submitting satisfactory proof of loss documentation, contact an insurance lawyer to help get your claim approved.

Q: What Is a Valued Policy State?

A: In states that follow valued policy law, if an insured property is considered a total loss, the insurance company is required to pay the full value of that property. Some companies use the value of an item, while others use the cost of replacing the item. While this law can help protect property owners in the event of a natural disaster, insurance companies often attempt to avoid their obligations from this law.

Address Your Issues Head On

Insurance companies will try several tactics to reduce the amount they pay for your damages. This might be difficult to combat for someone who is unfamiliar with their strategies. Working with a seasoned insurance attorney can help you recover more damages in a faster time, letting you start the recovery process sooner. Schedule a consultation with Sanchez Burke, LLC, to learn more about how we can help with your insurance claim.

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