People in Louisiana often assume that a single mistake in a person’s life is a precedent for the rest of their choices. For example, if a person is convicted of a crime, it is easy for many to assume that he or she will continue…
At this time of year, teenagers around the country have turned their focus onto organizing school supplies and understanding syllabuses. However, one teenager in Louisiana is likely more concerned about his criminal defense than his test dates. He was recently arrested and faces multiple drug…
When a family member passes away, it is understandable that surviving family members want to understand why the loss occurred. If they believe that the loss was the result of someone else’s actions, a desire for justice is also understandable. However, making assumptions about an…
While most people have likely been warned about the dangers of making assumptions, the fact is that every person does it — likely several times in a single day. While most assumptions are relatively innocuous, some made by law enforcement officials could potentially lead to…
While restraining orders are great tools for victims of harassment or domestic violence, unfortunately people can abuse them. If you are going through a highly contentious divorce, your wife may issue a restraining order against you. This can be a devastating development. What should you…
Most people in Louisiana and across the country are likely aware that the United States Constitution names several rights that can not be violated, even if the person is suspected of committing a crime. However, those with little experience with the criminal justice system may…
Police and stores often rely on video surveillance footage to identify people who are suspected of committing a crime. However, anyone who has ever seen this footage likely knows that it is difficult to recognize those featured in it. Regardless, many arrests are made this…
Many people in Louisiana have very close friendships and know of the sacrifices that friends are often willing to make for each other. In some circumstances, friends will do anything they can to help another out, even if it comes at a huge inconvenience to…
When there is some sort of medical incident, people without medical training often struggle to determine the severity of the issue. For example, if a person is drinking and consuming drugs and becomes unconscious, it may be difficult to determine if there is some sort…
Often, when people in Louisiana or other areas of the country face criminal charges, they are uncertain about their options. Because of this lack of certainty, many struggle to create a sound criminal defense. One woman is likely considering how she will respond to the…