Author Archives: Walter M. Sanchez

Articles by: Walter M. Sanchez

4 reasons you should take a paternity test

Few relationships are more meaningful than the bond between parent and child. If you are lucky, you know you are the father of the young one in your life. Unfortunately, though, it can be difficult to be certain. Thanks to modern science, you can likely…

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The true story could affect the outcome of drug charges

The battle against illicit drug use rages on in Louisiana and around the country. Few days go by without a story on drug use showing up in media headlines. Another such story surfaced recently regarding the father of a teenager know to many in Louisiana…

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Recent arrestees likely focused on criminal defense

Mardi Gras 2019 is fast approaching. New Orleans is a favorite destination for those seeking to have a good time before the season of Lent begins. New Orleans has been the scene of great revelry and also significant crime during the Mardi Gras celebrations. Those…

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Recent roundup leaves scores in need of criminal defense

The New Orleans Police Department recently conducted a roundup of individuals suspected of committing a variety of criminal offenses. The sweep resulted in the arrest of 45 people throughout the city, some of whom are facing charges for murder, attempted murder and other serious charges.…

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Mardi Gras can lead to an increase in drunk driving

Mardi Gras is almost here in Louisiana, and along with it will come multiple parties and celebrations. While it is a festive and widely celebrated period, it also is a time when incidents of drunk driving see an increase on area roadways. According to the…

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Understanding constructive possession

When you face some kind of drug charge in Louisiana, you likely become quite concerned, as well you should be. Depending on exactly what alleged drug crime the prosecutor charges you with, you could face a substantial prison term if convicted. Then too, depending on the quantity…

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Youthful indiscretion can lead to need for criminal defense

One’s teen years are supposed to be a time of adventure, risk-taking and self-discovery. Too often that can lead a young person down the wrong path. When that path runs afoul of the law, it can leave a young person facing the reality of needing…

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A traffic stop aided by a K-9 unit leads to drug charges

Seeing flashing red and blue lights in one’s rearview mirror is never a pleasant experience. It is advisable to pull over and comply with a Louisiana police officer’s requests, which typically begin with a request for a driver’s license and registration. A car was pulled…

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Drug charges need not leave a person feeling helpless

A new year has arrived but sadly many issues from the old year did not end with it. The drug problem in Louisiana continues to be a major problem. Police from Ouachita Parish are in search of a suspect who is wanted on drug charges…

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Drug charges have long term ramifications

Law enforcement agencies in Louisiana continue to battle the drug crisis that is consuming so much of the nation. The crisis is a continuing one that shows little sign of abating as we end one year and begin another. The failure of one person to…

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