Author Archives: Walter M. Sanchez

Articles by: Walter M. Sanchez

The Big Easy, one-way streets and criminal defense

New Orleans’ nickname, the Big Easy, stems from its reputation as a fun city where the good times roll. Bourbon Street is the focal point for the good times in the city. On occasion, trouble breaks out that can cause the police to have to…

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Facing drug charges can be a frightening experience

The battle against heroin and other opioids is an ongoing one in Louisiana and all over the country. It is a multi-pronged battle being fought on many fronts. Law enforcement is endeavoring to slow the spread of the scourge by attempting to break up the…

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Traffic stop can result in drug charges

Seeing flashing red and blue lights in one’s rear-view mirror can cause fear that can lead to a fight or flight reaction. In a recent incident in Louisiana such an incident may have caused a driver to flee and a police chase to ensue. The…

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Traffic stop can result in drug charges

Seeing flashing red and blue lights in one’s rear-view mirror can cause fear that can lead to a fight or flight reaction. In a recent incident in Louisiana such an incident may have caused a driver to flee and a police chase to ensue. The…

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Criminal defense and juvenile crime

Gun violence continues to be a significant problem in Louisiana and in other states across the country. The number of gun deaths does not appear to be decreasing. A recent incident in New Orleans involving a juvenile ended badly. The accused in the case may…

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What Louisiana’s implied consent law means for you

Drinking and driving do not mix. Louisiana has steep penalties for those who drive while impaired. Even worse, when alcohol slows your reaction time, you have an increased chance of injuring yourself or someone else on the road. As such, you should always arrange for…

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College students find themselves in need of criminal defense

Students have recently been arrested and charged with crimes at Dillard University located in Louisiana. The alleged crimes involve rape and sexual assault. There are at least four active cases being investigated by the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD). The students charged may be in…

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Both drivers charged with drunk driving after fatal crash

A drunk driving arrest can have serious ramifications. However, if a driver faces charges of drunk driving with aggravating circumstances, the penalties for conviction can be much more severe. In Louisiana, certain circumstances surrounding a DUI arrest can contribute to the severity of the charges.…

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Lack of visibility may have contributed to drunk driving crash

When one is in an automobile accident or one’s vehicle breaks down in Louisiana, it may be safest to remain inside the vehicle. This can be particularly true at night and police advise, for safety reasons, that one should remain in the car or truck…

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How to help your college child avoid underage DUI

Classes are coming to an end at many institutions of higher learning in Louisiana, and summer is fast approaching. This means your college child may be coming home. Whether your kid plans on working, relaxing or even staying on campus during summer break, you need…

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