Author Archives: Walter M. Sanchez

Articles by: Walter M. Sanchez

Louisiana man likely preparing criminal defense after arrest

The end of a relationship can be complicated, especially if one person has trouble with the decision to end it. Regardless, most couples in Louisiana are able to end their relationship relatively calmly. Unfortunately, police claim that was not the case for one man. He…

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When can sealed juvenile records be reviewed?

If law enforcement arrests your child in Louisiana, this immediately becomes a criminal history linked to a record that may affect future college and job prospects. Fortunately, there is a way to keep a criminal record from ruining his or her future. Depending on the…

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Supreme Court overturns decision regarding disability in divorce

Often, couples in Louisiana make the decision to end their marriage after they have spent many years together. For military couples, it may be especially difficult for a spouse to be employed — should he or she choose — because of the need to move…

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Man faces drug charges following Louisiana traffic stop

While the average person in Louisiana is aware of certain rights provided by the United States Constitution, he or she may be unaware of the entire scope of these rights. As a result, decisions could be made based upon a lack of knowledge, with negative…

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How Louisiana’s direct action rule affects car accident lawsuits

Motor vehicle accidents are among the most common reasons why people file personal injury lawsuits. Often a result of careless driving, car crashes can cause severe damage to a person’s health and finances, with repercussions that many victims continue to feel for many years afterward.…

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Man charged with drunk driving following fatal accident

As most drivers are aware, driving at night can be more difficult due to reduced visibility. In some cases, it may be more difficult for drivers to stop in time to avoid unexpected obstacles in the roadway, because they may be unable to see them…

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Criminal defense: Louisiana college students accused of theft

Most people have likely seen footage recorded by surveillance cameras. In many circumstances, recordings lack clarity, making it difficult to identify people appearing on the footage. However, many people in Louisiana often find themselves creating a criminal defense based on identifications made on grainy, unclear surveillance footage.…

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Louisiana police officer fired following drunk driving claim

It seems that the news is filled with negative reports about police officers these days. Police departments in various areas of the country are left facing a public image crisis that can quickly lead to national scrutiny. As a result, departments may be hasty to…

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Do you have to submit to a roadside breath test?

Maybe cops pulled you over after you left a party and the officer has asked if you were drinking. Perhaps you’ve gotten stuck in a roadblock enforcement effort. Whatever the reason, suddenly a law enforcement officer is asking you to submit to both field sobriety…

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Criminal defense: Louisiana bar fight results in murder charge

Conflict can happen between two people for a variety of different reasons. However, when alcohol is involved, the dispute can quickly escalate. Unfortunately, police have accused one Louisiana man of murder following a fight at a bar that allegedly resulted in a fatality. The accused…

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