Author Archives: Walter M. Sanchez

Articles by: Walter M. Sanchez

How drug charges may affect child custody

If you struggle with drug addiction, you might be wondering how it will impact the outcome of your divorce, particularly as it relates to your kids. You might have concerns about how past drug convictions may affect your legal rights relating to child custody and…

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Criminal defense: Louisiana police suspect man in murders

Many in Louisiana would concede that there is a great deal of tension in the country today. Unfortunately, police believe that the recent deaths of two black men may be another byproduct of that tension. Although reports indicate that they have a suspect in mind,…

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Fatigued man faces drug charges in Louisiana

Fatigue can manifest in some strange ways. These include many symptoms that may seem similar to being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, such as confusion and clumsiness. Despite this, a man in Louisiana is now facing drug charges after he allegedly fell asleep…

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Criminal defense: Louisiana gun battle results in 2 arrests

When it comes to criminal charges, people in Louisiana and other areas of the country who lack legal training and experience are often unsure of the steps that follow an arrest. Without help, the most basic aspects of building a criminal defense may be out…

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Wife, hospitalized husband face drug charges in Louisiana

The process surrounding the criminal justice system is often complex, requiring a great deal of legal education and experience to successfully navigate. Unfortunately, most people facing criminal charges do not have the necessary knowledge to recognize unlawful treatment or respond to charges. For example, two…

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How to talk to kids about underage DUI

Although Louisiana implements numerous safety measures, including sobriety checkpoints and ignition interlocks, numerous people lose their lives to drunk driving every year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over 3,000 people died as a result of a drunk driver in Louisiana between 2003 and 2012.…

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Criminal defense: Surveillance footage leads to Louisiana charges

People in Louisiana often assume that a single mistake in a person’s life is a precedent for the rest of their choices. For example, if a person is convicted of a crime, it is easy for many to assume that he or she will continue…

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Louisiana teen faces drug charges following search

At this time of year, teenagers around the country have turned their focus onto organizing school supplies and understanding syllabuses. However, one teenager in Louisiana is likely more concerned about his criminal defense than his test dates. He was recently arrested and faces multiple drug…

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Criminal defense unclear following Louisiana murder charge

When a family member passes away, it is understandable that surviving family members want to understand why the loss occurred. If they believe that the loss was the result of someone else’s actions, a desire for justice is also understandable. However, making assumptions about an…

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Man charged with drunk driving after Louisiana crash

While most people have likely been warned about the dangers of making assumptions, the fact is that every person does it — likely several times in a single day. While most assumptions are relatively innocuous, some made by law enforcement officials could potentially lead to…

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