Author Archives: Walter M. Sanchez

Articles by: Walter M. Sanchez

Did the breathalyzer malfunction during your arrest for DWI?

In the state of Louisiana, the law requires a breath test when a police officer stops you on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. An arrest for DWI is an unnerving experience, especially if you believe you were improperly charged with this offense. As a 2016…

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Deputy arrested, accused of drunk driving in Louisiana

Police officers have difficult jobs. They are often the object of public ridicule for actions they must make in split seconds, often while their lives are in danger. Unfortunately, this often means that when a law enforcement officer is suspected of a crime, consequences are…

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Louisiana traffic stop leads to drug charges

When faced with an authority figure, it is often second nature to acquiesce to a request. However, when a person is pulled over by a police officer, it may be in their best interest to decline permission to conduct a search without a warrant, for…

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Criminal defense: Louisiana nightclub bouncer arrested

When facing criminal charges, many people in Louisiana do not have the necessary experience to make informed decisions regarding the direction their case will take. Unfortunately, a nightclub bouncer is now likely pondering his criminal defense after his recent arrest. He is accused of impersonation…

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Man faces drug charges after passing out in car in Louisiana

Many people in Louisiana have little experience with the criminal justice system. As a result, they may be unaware of the necessary actions that must be taken if charged with a crime. For example, a young man who now faces drug charges may be unsure how to…

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Avoid bringing a gun in your carry-on at the airport

It is natural to be a bit forgetful from time to time. However, one place you definitely do not want to be forgetful is the airport. Every year, TSA ends up confiscating numerous items from passengers who simply forgot to remove a prohibited item from their…

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Debt division during a divorce

When most people in Louisiana make the difficult decision to end their marriage, they are likely aware of several of the difficult decisions that must be made. These decisions typically involve spousal and child support as well as asset division. However, many couples seeking a divorce often…

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Criminal defense: Louisiana man accused of robbery after release

It is a rare person who has not made a mistake in his or her life. While some mistakes are more serious than others, there is always the possibility of making changes that will prevent similar mistakes from being repeated. Unfortunately, some people in Louisiana…

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2 Louisiana men face each 8th drunk driving charge

When some people in Louisiana are arrested for a crime, they may be unaware of their rights. As a result, they often seek guidance from an experienced professional. This is likely especially true for someone who is facing a serious charge, such as his or…

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Criminal defense: Freshman charged with murder in campus shooting

For many students in Louisiana and across the country, college is a time of learning and gaining new experiences. Unfortunately, a freshman at one college has recently been arrested and is likely considering his criminal defense. Although he has been charged with murder, many of…

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