Author Archives: Walter M. Sanchez

Articles by: Walter M. Sanchez

Drunk driving claims another life

Driving under the influence of alcohol remains a serious problem in Louisiana and across the country. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can fall victim to the consequences of drunk driving. Such was the situation on Johnson Street in Lafayette Parish on a recent Friday night. Three people…

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Talking to your children about underage DUI

Alcohol is a risk that adolescents and sometimes even younger children may face. Peer pressure becomes increasingly prevalent as children move into the teen years, and underage drinking is a widespread problem among teens and university students. One way you can help your children avoid…

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UPS driver is facing DUI and drug charges

A UPS driver was recently arrested in Louisiana and charged with a DUI. It was reported that she had been seen swerving on the road and that the authorities were notified. After she was pulled over she reportedly agreed to field sobriety tests but did…

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More drug charges filed in the ongoing battle

Law enforcement officers continue to fight the drug crisis in Louisiana. A recent bust in northeast Louisiana, in West Carroll Parish, is a new installment in that effort. Two men were arrested in the bust on suspicion of dealing illegal substances and face multiple charges,…

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Teenagers, drugs and criminal defense

Teenagers under the influence of illegal drugs in Louisiana can exhibit strange behavior and may not be fully aware of their actions. This is no excuse for inappropriate or illegal behavior, nor should it deny a person’s right to a criminal defense. Regardless of the circumstances…

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Arrest leads to indictment on drug charges

The drug problem in Louisiana continues to run rampant. In an effort to stem the tide the authorities may be stepping up the effort to bring those involved in distribution to justice. While this is a noble endeavor, anyone facing drug charges is entitled to…

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Teenagers preparing criminal defense after a high speed chase

The flashing lights of an approaching police car can alarm anyone in Louisiana. Being a teenage driver and seeing flashing lights coming up from behind can be frightening. The fear can cause a fight or flight instinct to kick in, resulting in a high speed…

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The dangers of prescription painkillers

Most people know to avoid illegal substances for health and legal reasons. However, some people do not understand the dangers of prescription painkillers. This false sense of safety is highest among young adults, who are most likely to use these drugs without a prescription, says…

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Grand jury investigation leads to arrests on drug charges

Before a drug arrest is made in Louisiana, there may be a lot of work done behind the scenes before the arrest is carried out. This may include gathering evidence and conducting lengthy observation of any alleged illegal activity. When police officers believe they have…

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High speed chase can result in the need for a criminal defense

When police in Louisiana receive a tip that an allegedly stolen vehicle may have been involved in a crime, the police will be on the lookout for that vehicle. If the vehicle is spotted by police, they may pursue it, and this may end in…

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