Author Archives: Walter M. Sanchez

Articles by: Walter M. Sanchez

Louisiana Personal Injury Settlement Amounts Examples [2024 Updated]

Many individuals might not think it's necessary to file a personal injury claim because they don't think they can receive much in compensation. However, Louisiana personal injury settlement amounts examples tell a different story. Many people can receive more than they expected when considering different…

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Louisiana Car Accident Settlement Timeline and Process [2024 Updated]

Emotions can run high after a car accident. These events often happen without warning, which can lead to panic and frustration. It's easier to deal with events like this if you have a general idea of how they might resolve. The Louisiana car accident settlement…

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Who pays your bills if an injury prevents you from working?

No matter how an injury occurs, you may worry about paying your bills if it keeps you out of work – especially if you are the breadwinner in your family. Holding the at-fault party responsible might provide financial support for you. Going about receiving compensation…

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Considerations for same-sex divorce in Louisiana

Same-sex marriage became federally legalized in 2015. Now, same-sex couples encounter various legal issues nonexistent before the federal decree. Depending on when and where you married your partner, you may face legal hurdles if you want a divorce. Continue reading to learn more about the…

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How do Louisiana courts divide debt in a divorce?

Courts in Louisiana follow the community property approach to dividing spouses’ assets. For the most part, everything that couples own jointly and together is subject to division. Courts treat debts the same way that they treat assets in dividing community property. Here are some important…

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How the “No Pay, No Play” law could affect your case

Most of the time, when a driver’s negligent actions cause injuries or property damage, that driver is responsible for paying for those damages. However, Lousiana’s “No Pay, No Play” law limits the damages an uninsured driver can collect. How might this law affect your case?…

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4 planning tips to help make the property division process easier

If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, you may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of the property division phase of your divorce. What to do? Where to start? Here are four advance planning tips that should make the property division process…

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Custody considerations for Louisiana grandparents

If your grandchildren live with you already or you have concerns about their home life, you may want to seek legal custody. Louisiana allows grandparents to take this step in certain situations. Review the factors that affect grandparent visitation and custody in the state before…

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Understanding the importance of the lost wage claim element

Personal injury claims after an auto accident in Louisiana are typically composed of several elements pertaining to financial recovery. The first damages claimed are the medical bills generated by treatment for the injuries along with physical property damage when the injured party is an owner…

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Grandparents and obtaining custody of their grandchildren

A Louisiana judge may grant a grandparent’s request to obtain visitation rights to a grandchild. However, this is only true if it would be in the child’s best interest to maintain a relationship with that extended family member. Is the child in danger? A grandparent…

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